Saturday, March 11, 2006


Phasing and Harmonics...

My meditative raptures
Lulled into melodies
Harmonies that are never forgotten

The mission was to be simple...
Using the basics of math
To produce a simple, elegant musicking

I watched but mainly listened to my 14 min video of this piece
I shared with my friends, who generally could not take it in
at its entirety
But above is my meta-harmonicking of this piece
Taking screenshots of the video
Randomly collecting images of the synchronize and the asynchronize
Then creating a circle to emulate its process
It all comes back in full circle...

This was a MUSE...
Many intros or segments of a song
in my music collection
Are all that I want to hear.
I get trapped into my own harmonics.
I've always wanted to combine all those intros and segments...

I guess I really just want to be a DJ
But my hesitance comes from having to choose
Between DJ/VJing and DANCEing
Maybe I can combine the two...

steim is an avant-garde source for electronic performance
It all started at CHI '05 (Human Factors in Computing conference)
With Michel Waisvisz...the closing plenary
I was fortunate to be one of the few to obtain a Cracklebox
and perform with it at the conference.
But it was all about The HANDS
Slip these on your hands and
You now have control over your music
The pitch, the rhythm, anything
And a mic is attached to it for some live human sounds
That soon gets warped into electronica madness.

And I could never forget this musical instrument made from everyday found objects...
Pouring tea from the teapot into the cups makes the musica...
But when some kids were playing with it, they decided to pour the tea all over the machinary...Which apparently made some amazing musicking sounds...


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