Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Holzer and Kolster Remix...

Network Collaboration

This is what THRIVES
We must take advantage of our networks
It is what holds us together
It is through our CONNECTIONS
It is how we relate

We are a networked community
Our desires lie in exploring
Exploring each other's data

Creating CONTEXT...
To every LOCATION lies
smells, tastes, TOUCHs

Digital media has overcome some capturings of
Yet, TOUCHs are nearly there
But, we still need capture the extreme ephemerals...
Smells and Tastes

But the more context we create
The more layers we incorporate
The closer we are in tapping into the 6th Sense...
That feeling
of familiarity,
of affinity,
of understanding...

We must not close too many doors of our senses...
When we present, when we share, when we jam
We must be OPEN
We must explore all inputs to allow flexible outputs

But it is about
Amplifying specific Elements
Emphasizing what is Interesting
Looping the micro Instant
in order to
Cultivate the Ambiance...


I've really fallen in love with morphing.
Maybe it's the subtle flow of changing...
Maybe it's the visual force of relating one image to another...
Maybe it's the middle image(s) created by the morph
That's what's most interesting...

I was addicted to this video...
I watched it over and over again...
I wanted to see every subtle change in the morphing...
So I took screen capture shots of every morph
That seemed the most distinct, the most unique, the most interesting...
And put them into this grid together.

This is my attempt at Meta-Morphing...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Seeing Sounds, Hearing Images...

Capturing details from urban locations
Capturing and transforming small, unnoticed sounds from various natural and urban locations
Visualizing fragments of stories of these environments
Time-based media (video, film, photography, audio?)
Observational disciplines (journalism, documentary & archeology)
Networked collaboration strategies
Experiments in improvisational sound

Reviving the hidden sounds and images
in our everyday objects,
in our immediate environment, and
in the air around us
Make live improvisations which
Respond directly to the world around us and the objects close at hand
Connecting sounds and images to a specific location, creating a context

Process-based work
No set conclusions, no predetermined end-points
Relying on our daily experiences to guide us

Creating an audiovisual journey
Online, collaborative soundscape project

Inspire curiosity and
Exploration of one’s own environment

A dreamlike journey in a live improvisation
Where sound and image are interrelated

Found objects used to generate the visions and sounds

Actively participate in the
Free and Open source communities

Instinctively feel the economic and political context of microsound

Taking field recordings from all over the world
Making the distant more local
And the local more distant

Sound exercise:
For the next 29 seconds or 29 minutes…
Observe, Listen, Hear, Experience
the Sounds around you
Only focus on sounds
Find it hard to not use your other senses?
Do some sounds always associate with an image?

An Interface to the Global
Algorithmic Mix
“Pure”, uncomposed sounds
Sharing sound information about one’s environments through divergent channels
Enact a collective soundscape

Chicken Skratches 12