Holzer and Kolster Remix...
Network Collaboration
This is what THRIVES
We must take advantage of our networks
It is what holds us together
It is through our CONNECTIONS
It is how we relate
We are a networked community
Our desires lie in exploring
Exploring each other's data
Creating CONTEXT...
To every LOCATION lies
smells, tastes, TOUCHs
Digital media has overcome some capturings of
Yet, TOUCHs are nearly there
But, we still need capture the extreme ephemerals...
Smells and Tastes
But the more context we create
The more layers we incorporate
The closer we are in tapping into the 6th Sense...
That feeling
of familiarity,
of affinity,
of understanding...
We must not close too many doors of our senses...
When we present, when we share, when we jam
We must be OPEN
We must explore all inputs to allow flexible outputs
But it is about
Amplifying specific Elements
Emphasizing what is Interesting
Looping the micro Instant
in order to
Cultivate the Ambiance...
This is what THRIVES
We must take advantage of our networks
It is what holds us together
It is through our CONNECTIONS
It is how we relate
We are a networked community
Our desires lie in exploring
Exploring each other's data
Creating CONTEXT...
To every LOCATION lies
smells, tastes, TOUCHs
Digital media has overcome some capturings of
Yet, TOUCHs are nearly there
But, we still need capture the extreme ephemerals...
Smells and Tastes
But the more context we create
The more layers we incorporate
The closer we are in tapping into the 6th Sense...
That feeling
of familiarity,
of affinity,
of understanding...
We must not close too many doors of our senses...
When we present, when we share, when we jam
We must be OPEN
We must explore all inputs to allow flexible outputs
But it is about
Amplifying specific Elements
Emphasizing what is Interesting
Looping the micro Instant
in order to
Cultivate the Ambiance...